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Individual therapy * Writing workshops and retreats * Mentoring


"The mere act of writing
anything is a help. It seems to
speed one on one's way."
-- Katherine Mansfield
The Writer's Way means writing to connect spirit and soul, body and mind, inner and outer world.
The Writer's Way is a path found through stories, poetry, journals and essays. All that is required is the willingness to listen deeply and give words to what comes, and the curiosity to see what comes next.
The Writer's Way is writing to reclaim voice and words and the power they have to change our lives.
Melinda Burns, MA is a writer and psychotherapist in Guelph, Ontario. She has been leading groups in writing and creative process for over 20 years. Her stories have won first prize in the Toronto Star Short Story contest in 2001 and the Elora Writers' Festival writing competition in 2008, and her poems, fiction and essays have appeared in The New Quarterly, Grain, Native Skin, and Fiddlehead, and on CBC radio. Her passion for writing flows into her work, inspiring and encouraging the creative spirit in each person.

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the pull of what you really love." --Rumi

Winter Writers Group
on-line ~ January 22 - February 25, 2025
5 weeks / $75+HST
For this on-line group, you will receive a prompt every Wednesday with an example. Respond with a poem, story, or non-fiction piece, one page or less, inspired by the prompt. The responses from the group will appear in your in-box on the following Tuesday. For more specific feedback on your work, choose “Plus mentoring” and add $35+HST.